I’ve had so many Flyball adventures since my mum came back from Noni’s house that I hardly know where to start. First we had some normal Flyball days, and some special days with Alex and Molly and Connor in the white-fence park.
Then we had a day when just mum and me went driving for a long time until she found a place she said was like Riverwooddowns but it was called Kioloaholidaypark. When we got there in the dark we went straight to where Missy and Jessie and Little Connor and Maverick were with Jenni and Debbie and John and Sandi and Ian. I sat on Ian’s lap because I’m a bit scared of Jessie. She growls if you look at her and Ian can make her stop growling so it’s good to stay close to him.
We didn’t stay very long and then my mum took me to another house, a big quiet house with no-one else there. At first I didn’t like it, I wanted to go back to my Flyball friends, until Lisa and Linda came with Pjevs! I was so excited I didn't know which leg to stand on!
I love Pjevs, he’s one of my best Flyball friends, and we wrestled and wrestled with each other for hours and hours! He even let me play with his favourite fluffy toy, and it was so much fun I wanted to play all night.
Eventually we had to go to sleep but I made sure that my mum woke up early because I knew Pjevs was somewhere in that house and I could play with him again. After breakfast we drove back to Kioloaholidaypark, with my mum telling me we were going to a competition today, like the Royaleastershow.
When we got there I was happy there were no cows or horses, just all my own Flyball friends together. And millions of other dogs and other Flyball people in their coloured shirts and their tents.
It was a very long day at the competition. My mum kept taking me out of my little house and walking me past all those strange dogs and people I didn’t know to this special part with awful flapping orange see-through walls. I was glad that Digger and Kaos and Little Connor came too, otherwise I would have been really scared.
We didn’t do proper Flyball, like Overs and Arounds. Instead, my mum asked to do unusual things, like jump in a little pool and get a tennis ball out. I liked jumping in the pool except for the lady I didn’t know watching me all the time with a big book and a silver thing in her hand. So I didn’t get the tennis ball, I just kept jumping in and out of the little pool, and mum was happy because I got half a point for going in the pool. She said it was a beginner’s comp and she was happy with me for being a good girl for such a long day until it was dark and cold.

Later there was a party with cake and presents for Alex. I thought maybe we would have another sleepover with Pjevs (more wrestling!). Instead, I got another surprise when Alex and Molly and Connor came with us to the sleepover house. We went running in the dark! I could see Molly and Connor because they had sparkling things on their collars, zooming in the dark as fast as anything.
Inside the house Molly played with me, and Connor played with Molly and they both chased me and it was another night when I didn’t want to go to sleep. And another morning when I woke my mum up very early because I knew my friends were there. We played really good soccer in the big park outside the house while my mum and Alex stood around having coffee. The Albury Advance Flyball team came out of another house, but they didn’t play soccer, they stayed on their leads.
When Alex and mum put all the things in the cars I thought this adventure was over.
But we went to Kioloaholidaypark again, for a walk with Jenni and Missy, over a hill to a sandy park with a big big moving water pool, bigger than the river at Riverwood Downs. Mum said it was the beach. We ran on the sand and chased sticks into the moving water and you can’t believe it the water chased back!

By the time Alex and mum said we should go home I was so tired I was glad to sleep in the car on the long drive. I told Beazli everything when we got home, and dreamt about sparkling things on collars, orange flapping walls, and beaches that chase you.
Yesterday was another competition! In a different place, the Holroydpetfest. The first time my mum took me for a walk with my team I thought maybe she was going to ask me to do the pool/ball thing again. I thought maybe I would do it this time. I didn’t know she would ask me to stand right next to a machine that suddenly made the worst noise, like it was going to eat me.
It’s hard to be brave right next to a machine like that, it’s name is a ‘generator’, when the man puts the big silver measuring stick on your back. Boy was I glad to go back to my house after that.
So I was very nervous next time we went for a walk. I stayed as close as I could to Lance, he’s the same colour as Pjevs, but bigger. Walking at Holroydpetfest. was more like the Royaleastershow than Kioloaholidaypark. No cows or horses (thank goodness!) but zillions of people, children holding floating balls on sticks, prams, little tents, big tents, lots and lots and lots of dogs I didn’t know, loud music and noisy machines.
I followed Lance past those flapping orange see-through walls that made a corridor into a place where there were proper hurdles and boxes. Mum took me to the end and we sat on the ground next to a lady in a chair with a red flag. I kept my eye on that lady to see what she might do with the red flag, until I heard Ian yell ‘Team Ready! Watch the Lights! And then there were lights on a stick and a big hooting sound and Phoebe went Over and then Chloe and then Maverick and then Jessie and everyone screamed with happiness and then they did it again. At the same time there other dogs doing Overs and Arounds right next to them but my Flyball team didn’t pay any attention to the other dogs they just kept getting Ready Ready Ready and doing their own Overs and Arounds as fast as they could.
After a while we walked back to our Sydney Psychos place and I rested in my house and then that’s what kept happening all day. We would rest and then go for a walk past all the people and dogs to the competition part and I would sit down the back kissing Lance (he let’s me kiss him a lot!) and watching everything and keeping my eye on the lady with the red flag and watching Jenni pick up tennis balls, and walking bravely past flapping walls and people and dogs back to rest in my house again.

I don’t know how many times my mum told me I was a good girl and so did Ian and Jenni and Sian and Sandi. I must have been a good girl because my mum bought me a new green snake with two squeaky ends.
But I didn’t play with the snake until we got home. The competition was too exciting to play with a snake. Mum told me our team came 1st! And our other Sydney Psychos team came 2nd! That must be good because she was happy when she told me but I don’t really know what it means. Maybe I’ll find out next time we go to a competition adventure. Mum says we are going to Boorowairishflyballfling. I sure hope it’s soon.