Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Beazli didn't come with us to the OrangeRunningoftheBalls because his sore back got much worse and it's really hard for him to walk - he keeps falling over. So he stayed at Dr Janet's Vet while my mum and me went to the Competition with my Team. The first night was different from other Competitions because I had to sleep in my house all night, and my Team slept in their cars instead of in the same place with us.
And the Competition Day was different too because I missed my little Flyball friend Rascal and it was the coldest coldest coldest coldest day I had ever had in my whole life. I was shivering so much from being cold that Jenni felt sorry for me and lent me one of Missy's warm coats.Later my mum bought me my own snuggly purple coat that fitted me properly and it's the right colour too.I wore my snuggly coat all day except for Racing with my Team - everyone took their coats off for Racing. But I didn't really do Racing with my Team, I got too scared of the new awful noise the Watch the Lights was making and I just wanted to run away all day from the noise and from that Judge man Trent who kept looking at me all the time. My mum and my Team kept asking me to do a Full Run but I couldn't do it, it's different from training with everyone watching and shouting and I hated those noises and finally my mum just let me sleep in my house where I feel safe from everything scary.

Digger is Braver than me, this was his first Competition where he did proper Racing with his Team and he got enough points to be called Flyball Dog Digger now.And Missy got a new name too, she's called Flyball Master Excellent Missy because she's been so fast in so many races. Missy was the start dog in my Team, and the other dogs in my Team were Molly and Rosie and Kaos. That Team was called Sydney Psychos and we came first and got a nice white ribbon and lots of prizes. I like going to get my ribbon, I've done that before lots of times and I'm not scared of it any more.I was happy when that Competition day was over and we could have proper playtime with all my Team, and dinner with Molly and Connor, and then go to sleep in my house until morning playtime again.

We had more adventures on the way home from Orange, first when we had coffee somewhere and my mum told Alex she was too tired to drive home, so she climbed in the back of the Berlingo with me and we snuggled up on all the pillows and had a nap. And then after driving a while we found Alex on the side of the road with Ian and Sandi and Alex's car wouldn't go so everyone sat around for the longest time until a man came with a big truck and he put Alex's car on top of it and our Psychos trailer behind it.Molly and Connor and Alex had to come in the Berlingo with us to get home, because Alex's car had to say at Lithgow for the man to fix it.
We had to get my Beazli before we could come all the way home and he was crying while he told me he missed me and my mum and he doesn't really like having to wear little boots even though they help him walk better. It was 9 o'clock in the night time before we could all go to bed in our own house and rest after a big weekend out there in Orange.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


My mum and Beazli and me are crying because today is the saddest Flyball day we've ever had. My little Flyball friend Rascal had an Operation yesterday for 'desexing' and afterwards she got very very very sick and this morning she left the world and went to Flyball Heaven. My mum says we won't see Rascal ever again, at least not until we all go to Flyball Heaven too. Rascal was only 7 months old but she could already do good Overs and Around on the Box and she was never a Delinquent like me, she was a Good Girl all the time. Jenni and Mark and Missy and all the Sydney Psychos will never stop thinking about Rascal and how pretty she was and how she made us happy and how much fun she had at Flyball.

My little Flyball Friend Rascal who's gone to Flyball Heaven.

Monday, March 19, 2007


Remember when my mum told me I had to tell you the seconds for my Full Run from the Watch the Lights at Flyball? She said I would get faster and have a different time and she was right. Yesterday at Flyball we did lots of Team practises for the OrangeRunningoftheBalls Flyball Competition next weekend. And every time we did them with the Watch the Lights I got faster and faster.

I did a Full Run that was 8.8 seconds. I did a Full Run that was 8.1 seconds. And I did a Full Run that was 7.8 seconds. I was a Clever Perfect Good Ebbi Darling lots of times and my Team was happy and my mum was very happy and even grumpy Ian was happy. He didn't say anything angry to me all day.

But he did an angry voice with my mum and told her she shouldn't push me forward when it's my Ready Ready Ready turn. He said if she pushes me forward then I have to get my balance on my first steps and I can't go faster. I don't know how he knows everything but he does because I wanted to tell my mum that myself, I wanted to tell her just to let me go when it's my Ready Ready Ready turn because I know what to do.

I know I have to go fast to the first Over even if Kaos or Molly is running back to me, they won't run into me because we practice Cross Overs and they won't bite me because they are my friends from my Team.

I love doing Watch the Lights, it's better than just doing Overs even though we still have to do them at the beginning of the day.

There are some new dogs at Sydney Psychos, and my mum has been helping them with their Overs, Ian says she should be an expert at Overs because she's had to do so many with me when I behave like a Devil Dog.

My mum's been been helping Sunny Boy, he's a bit fat like my Beazli because I think he likes his dinner a lot. He can do four Overs now before he gets tired. And my mum's been helping Aussie do Around the Pole, he's black and skinny but taller than me and he just wants to play with everyone. They might be in my Team one day if they keep learning and try not to be Delinquents.

When we got home after a really long playtime my mum said me and Beazli are going to have a big adventure at the OrangeRunningoftheBalls. We have to go a long long way in the Berlingo and stay in one of those different houses again. We're going to stay with Jenni and Missy and Alex and Molly and Connor. Beazli has never come with us before so I'll have to tell him what to do. I hope he behaves himself.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


It's so busy here with people coming and going and doing things that my mum doesn't really have time to help me with my blog. I keep asking her and then someone else comes. On Saturday Ian and Sandi and Jenni and Mark and Alex were here but only Molly and Connor came, no other Flyball dog friends. The man who belongs to my mum's sister who lives a long long way away in a place called Brisbane was here too. He has a lot of names, his name is 'MyBrotherInLaw' and 'Marianne'sHusband' and 'Des'. He did something on a ladder with stuff out of a big container that he was putting on the walls, while my Pyscho team people did something in our messy garage.

The best part of Saturday was swimming, even with scary Ian in my pool with me. My mum wanted me to show Ian how I can go on my board across the pool but I had to watch out for Ian and I only did it properly after he went home.Beazli's a big show-off, he didn't care about Ian in the pool or Jenni and Mark watching, he just chased his sausages like he always does. Now that he has his floaties he doesn't get so tired swimming any more, the floaties are for his big heart and his sore back that I told you about before.On Sunday we went to Flyball even though 'MyBrotherInLaw' 'Marianne'sHusband' 'Des' was still doing the thing on the walls. Because we have our new Watch the Lights and because we are going to a Competition soon we did lots of practises with My Team, and I really really liked it and I only had to go on my back once at the beginning because I was a Darling Good Girl and did all my Full Runs when it was my turn. Those Watch the Lights make it very exciting and then while we are waiting for my turn my mum talks to me softly and says 'see there goes Missy Over Over Over Over and now it's Rosie Over Over Over Over and now its Kaos Over Over Over Over and now it's Molly and as soon as I can see Molly going Over Over Over Over I know it's my turn next and I get Ready to do my Overs and Catch the Ball and Bring it to my mum.

One time Debbi said 'that was an excellent CrossOver Ebbi!' because I accidentally did a good CrossOver with Molly when she was coming back, I was so excited I didn't even know I was doing it.

Now we are just at home again with more people, the sister Marianne came last night even though MyBrotherInLaw' 'Marianne'sHusband' 'Des' isn't here any more. I like her, she's the one who plays lots of catch with me. My mum says that I have a Cousin called Max that belongs to the sister Marianne, and he's a black Kelpie like me but bigger. He doesn't learn Flyball like I do. I wonder if I will see him one day?