I did it about 8 times, and everyone was amazed. Except Alex because she knows I can do it, she’s seen me at white-fence-park.
But Lisa kept telling my mum she couldn’t believe Ebbi, and Linda said I was a Darling Clever Girl and Larry and Gail said I was a Good Little Girl, like Digger is a Good Boy because he was doing Away, Over, Get-theBall, and back Over for his dad Larry too.
I even did Away, Over, Get-theBall, and back Over once after Connor, with my mum telling me ‘Team Ready’ before my turn, just like Ian does for my team when we are in a competition. But this was different because I got to go get that tennis ball and bring it back to my mum, instead of waiting in the back watching everyone else do it.
And my mum told me I was a Perfect Clever Girl that time with Connor. But there was another time with Connor when I saw some boys I don’t know on their bikes and I had to run and bark at them instead of bringing the ball back. And I couldn’t do 8 Overs at the start of Flyball because I had to chase Zeus. And then another time I couldn’t do any Overs because I had to chase a new little fluffy dog who came with Coco. Oh and there was another time when I wanted to play with Abbey because she’s my friend, she’s a kelpie too but maybe you know that.
And a couple of times I just didn’t want to do it because my mum was paying too much attention to Beazli. She got him to do Overs and fed him lots of Roast Beef. When he comes to Flyball he’s just supposed to sit near my house and howl a lot. But for some reason my mum kept getting him to have a turn every time I went back to my house.
(Beazli: ‘I don’t know why she’s so jealous. All I wanted to do was participate a little. And I do enjoy my Roast Beef, well actually I enjoy most food, well actually it’s hard to think of any food I don’t like. I’m not really that keen on the whole get-the-ball idea, and going Over those hurdles is a bit tricky with my 10 year old hips, but if that’s what it takes to get some Roast Beef, well I thought I would give it a go. And it seemed to make mum happy, so we both enjoyed it.’)
It was a good day at Flyball, even though not everyone was there. One time I was doing Cross Overs with Pjevs and I saw him coming towards me and I thought how much I like him and I had to stop in the middle and give him a kiss before jumping Over. (He stopped and kissed me back).
But another time my mum asked me to do Cross Overs with Zeus and I had to watch his man, I think maybe it’s his dad, I’m a bit scared of him, I had to watch him carefully the whole time. My mum stayed close to me and kept asking me to do Overs and one time that Zeus-dad-man gave me some cheese.
I was glad when those Cross Overs finished. And I was even more glad when Measuring Stick finished, just before playtime. I’m getting a bit used to Measuring Stick but it still makes me shake when Lisa gets it out. My mum asks me to Stand and that’s when I start to shake. Lisa talks in a quiet voice and says ‘Good Stand’ and then she touches me gently with Measuring Stick. It looks so awful, like it could hurt you. I shake and shake but I try to concentrate on playtime, which is coming next. Playtime means jingle bells and Connor’s squeaky toy and everyone running as fast as they can and it’s just the best fun, having playtime with my Flyball friends.
(Beazli: ‘I enjoy the end of the day as well. I can show how I used to be able to spin quite expertly, and if I approach everyone politely they usually have something delicious to eat in their bumbags.)
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