My mum was tired from driving (and getting lost, she didn't tell me we were lost until later) so she laid in the hammock and had a rest before dinner.
I didn't even mind when we had to go to bed because we had done such good playing, and I was very happy in the morning because I knew we must be going to a competition, and I wasn't scared at all until I had to do Measuring Stick. The man who had Measuring Stick was Trent, he was very nice to me this time, but I still shook and tried to make myself small. He patted me and put Measuring Stick away and then the proper competition day started and it was full of excitement.
I had to do things all day because in the first race when everyone is really excited there was an accident, when Pjevs was swinging on his motivator he swung right into Digger and Digger got a fright and jumped at him and then Pjevs got a fright and jumped back and I saw them do scary teeth at each other. And then Pjevs got upset and wouldn't race any more. And then Zeus ran to the other team's hurdles and did Overs there three times and the Judge man held up a black card and Zeus couldn't race any more. So that left just Kaos and Chloe and Digger and me. Chloe is a good Flyballer, she does fast Overs. And Kaos is good now too, he's really fast, and he Brings the Ball and swings on his motivator and wants to go again.
But Digger and me are just beginners and we're only used to sitting in the back of the ring.
When it was Digger's turn he was very Brave even though he had been in the accident and he did all the Overs but he forgot to get the Ball and just came back to Larry. When it was my turn, I did 2 Overs and then I stopped and looked around and saw everyone watching me, even the Judge man, so I quickly went back to my mum.
The whole day long when it was our turn to race my mum kept asking me to do a Full Run and I kept thinking about it, I really did. But whenever I got past the 2nd Over I would have a quick look around and see different people looking at me and the other team racing and the Judge man and the ladies with their red flags and I would just think, I have to get back to my mum.
Until the very very last race, when I saw Alex calling to me from the Box, and I thought 'do Brave, Ebbi' and I went Over 1, Over 2, Over 3, Over 4, Around on the Box, and got the Ball. But I dropped it! I had to chase it, and catch it, and I wanted to get back to my mum so I just ran down the side past the first 2 Overs. My mum was still calling me 'Over, Ebbi' so I went Over the last 2 and she was so happy she kissed me and gave me yummy chicken and I could hear everyone clapping.
I went in the little pool with my team Kaos and Chloe after that race, and I went with them to get our ribbons at the end. And then we went back to the special house for more playing with squeaky toys and cuddles with everyone.
And I had the best time until there was a scary thunderstorm and Molly and I had to go and hide in our house because the noise makes us shake. At least my friend Molly was there and I knew my mum and everyone else was close by. And that we could play again in the morning, which we did for hours and hours before we had to drive home and tell Beazli everything he had missed.
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