Tuesday, January 23, 2007


We've had a strange day today. In the morning we went to see Dr Janet at Livingstone Road Vet, and we were both happy to go there, especially when Alex came to say hallo. But then Alex took Beazli away and my mum and me came home by ourselves. My mum worked for a while (it's so boring when she sits at that computer and tap tap taps away and yack yack yacks on the phone) but she surprised me after lunch by giving me a big swim in our Pool.

My mum makes me do lots of special things now before she throws the squeaky toy in the pool. Today we did Through the Hoop, then we did Over the Boogee Board, then we did Team Ready on the little edge of the pool. She taught me a new thing too, she made me Run Up the Stairs, Across the Grass, Down the other Stairs and Jump in the Pool from the other side.

The first time she asked me to do that I got very confused and dug my heels in and wouldn't go. But she just made me do it by walking along with me and then I understood and then I found out it was fun and I kept doing it properly every time she asked.

At the end she threw my soccer ball in the pool and I pushed, pushed, pushed that soccer until I could hardly swim any more. Then we went back to the Livingstone Road Vet, and this time I was scared because I thought maybe my mum was going to leave me there. I wouldn't take any liver treats from Dr Janet, not until she bought my Beazli back.

When he came back he was looking sad and very wobbly and kind of singing a croaking song, he told me he just wanted to go home from this place, he didn't get any treats at all they made him have a sleep even though he didn't want one.

My mum talked to Dr Janet for a long time and looked at funny pictures on a special light on the wall. Dr Janet said Beazli has 2 prolapsed discs and shocking arthritis in his hips and a heart murmur. I don't know what any of those things are but my mum is sad and Beazli is still wobbly and tired and I haven't been game to tell him that I heard Dr Janet say he has to come back on Thursday for an ultrasound of his heart. My poor Beazli.

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