I kind of didn't really mind because I love it when Molly and Connor come especially Molly we just chase each other around and bark and have the best time.
Every day though my Mum and Alex talked in sad voices about Digger. They said he got frightened of the big thunder with the awful lights, not a thunderstorm but those other scary ones called fireworks at the CanberraRoyalCompetition and he ran away from his Team and his mum and his dad and he was lost at the Competition and everyone was very worried. I know how scary those fireworks are, I was scared last night in a thunderstorm and I was in my house.
Digger is one of my friends we sit down the back of the races together because we are beginners. I didn't like to think about him being lost in the dark at a Competition. He was lost on Friday night and he was lost on Saturday night and he was lost this morning and he was lost this afternoon and everyone kept those sad voices all day when they talked about Digger.
But tonight we are all as happy as we can be because a nice lady found Digger trying to walk home on that big busy road where me and Beazli saw the truck fall over on its side. Alex said it would take Digger a week to walk home but he didn't have to, the nice lady brought him back to his mum and his dad and back to his Team and we don't have to worry about our Digger and we can have happy voices when we talk about him. I can hardly wait to see him at training on Sunday. I'm going to give him a big kiss and tell him how glad I am he isn't lost any more.
This is my tired friend Digger after he was found.
I'm glad Digger was found safe and sound:)
I wanted to wish you a super happy birthday Ebbi. I'm so glad you were rescued to a wonderful family.
You are very beautiful:) I will visit again!
Hugs from Billy Boo:)
Er....hello! It's MEEE, Mary-Margaret O'Brien. I see that it's your BIRTHDAY today. I don't sing very well so I'll just say "Happy Birthday to YOUUUUUUUU". I just LOVE birthdays. I hope you will tell all about your day and what nifty stuff your peepel did for you. I hope you get lots of cake and that your friends let YOU eat it too.
Happy birthday with love...
Mary-Margaret O'Brien
Happy Barkday Ebbi - I hope you had a wonderful day, filled with lots of treats :-)
So glad that Digger found his way home :-)
I don't like thunderstorms either! Happy birthday to you! I hope you get lots of treats and pressies and no thunder!
Love ya lots,
Happy Barkday ebbi!! (saw ur barkday on the dogs with blogs calendar)
Good thing Digger was found. to this day, 2.5 months after my sis ran away, she is STILL missing...
Good morning (here anyway) Ebbi! I hope you don't mind that I add you to my post?? We love rescued dogs:) When mom gets home tonight, we are dedicating our evening to reading your posts!!
Hugs from Billy Boo:)
wishing you a happy barkday!!!
wet wet licks
Hi Ebbi--
Happy burpday TO YOU! Hope you have a great one!
ps. You look like a smaller version of my sister Ethel who, I think, would also love flyball.
Happy Barkday Ebbi (and Beazli too) - I hope you both had a wonderful day. And I am so glad that Digger came home :-)
Hey Ebbi,
Freda heres. A first time sniffer at your place. It's reeeallys cooools!
A BIG Happy BDay!!! and lots of slobbers.
Glad that Digger didn't have to spend too manys darks on the street. I, too, spent a lot lights and darks on the street before I was rescued by some humans. Then I found my forever humans. Just like you. Neato!
That Flyballin' stuff looks reeeallys cooool, but I just don't like retrievin' stuff.
My humans use to live in South Yarra, Vic. and noticed that the humans there liked the colors purple a lot. When they got back to the states, they noticed their niece was always wearin' purple clothes, so they called her an Aussie. Arf! Arf!
My secretary likes the name of your team, the Sydney Psychos. As soon as he saw that, he went to iTunes and is now listenin' to Psychotic Reaction by the 'Count Five'. He wonders if that song is your team's theme song.
There must be somethin' in the waters or somethin'. I am sniffin' around your place and my humans just ordered a cold food box and a food bowl cleaner box from New Zealand. Oops! Can I barks 'New Zealand'? They are Fisher & Paykel stuffs. They look reeeeallys cooools!
Better go and let you practice ball flyin'.
Agains, HAPPY BDAYS!!!!
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