On Saturday morning my mum told me that when she came home from wherever she goes without me, we would all go on a big adventure. The last big adventure we had was when we went to the place far away that my mum's mother Noni lives, and I hoped we were going there.
All the way in the Berlingo that's what I hoped, but when it got dark and we drove for a long long time on a very bumpy windy road with no houses and no lights I got confused. Finally we found a huge house that wasn't Noni's house. There were laughing people having a barbecue like the Newtown Christmas Party. Except the people were my Flyball friends! Linda and Jenni and Alex and Ian and Sandy and Lisa and Debbie and Susan and John and Robbo and Sian...... Missy and Pjevs were there too and we ate sausages and bones in the dark. I played with Pjevs and kissed Linda and jumped on Lisa and tried to lick Missy and jumped on my mum and got tangled up under the bench and barked at the dark. I thought this was a good adventure already but it only got better.
After the barbecue my dad found a funny cupboard that had little beds on top of each other and we had a squishy cosy sleep. I woke up when mum opened the curtain and looked out the tiny window at the biggest park I had ever seen. We rushed out there, me and Beazli and mum, and ran a long way over wet grass. I could smell cows and horses even though I couldn't see them. I ran under a prickly fence and back again, calling mum and Beazli, and then Jenni and Missy and Alex and Molly and Connor appeared out of their cupboard with beds and we all ran around barking while mum and Jenni and Alex had cups of coffee.
Molly found a plastic bag with bread rolls inside. Beazli found the flyball hurdles under the house. Ian and Kaos and Rosie found us and we played frisbee. Connor growled at Beazli and then Ian made Connor go on his back to stop him growling. Connor was good after that, he went to my mum and put his head on her lap.
The day just got better and better. My friend Pjevs came with Linda and Lisa, and then everyone came and we did Overs and Arounds and Team Ready.
I only had 2 brain snaps, once when I thought I should run to my dad instead of doing Over, and once when I had to go bark at Rosie and Kaos instead of going Around.

I did Cross Overs with Pjevs and with Chloe.
I played with the squeaky baby Mocha, who's very funny, he's so little and fluffy.
Then we had a huge playtime chasing the frisbee again and then a drive in the Berlingo to another part of the park, then a walk and a run down a hill until we found a sort of big swimming pool with stones in the bottom. The water was moving, not like the pool where it is still, and it was freezing! No-one cared though, we all jumped in and made big splashes, especially when Robbo started throwing the Kong and everyone swam fast to see who could catch it. Once the Kong sank and the only one who could get it back was Beazli. Everyone cheered and clapped when he got the Kong back.
Another time when it sank Beazli was trying to fish a leaf out of the water and he didn't see it, so Robbo took off his jeans and walked into the cold water to get the Kong. We couldn't believe it.
He was the only person who got in the water, otherwise all the splashing and playing and Kong chasing was dog friends.
I didn't want to stop, even though I was shivering. And we didn't stop for a long time, we just kept playing in that cold water, chasing each other and the Kong and having the best time ever.
By the time my dad brought a lovely towel I was kind of glad to get dry and warm and snuggle in the back of the Berlingo with Beazli to catch my breath. We cuddled all the way home, with him snoring and me staying awake to see the cows in the paddock on the side of the windy bumpy road. Beazli only woke up to get inside the house and then he fell asleep again, straight away. I stayed up with my mum, while she told me she thought I had a lot of fun on my big adventure at Riverwooddowns, especially in the creek (that's what the cold moving pool is called) with my Flyball friends. She was right.
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