Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Sunday 7/05/06
I figured out how to get out of my red house today. It’s simple really, I don’t know why it took me so long to figure it out. There’s a kind of zippy thing that closes the front of the house and all you have to do is push it with your nose from the inside and the net bit comes apart.
As soon as it was open I ran out as fast as I could to chase my friends, Missy and Pjevs and Rosie and Cleo. They were doing Team Ready, Watch the Lights and were really excited to see me. Mum was talking to Sandra and it took a while for her to realise that I was out. Boy was she surprised!
She put me back in the house and did something that made pushing the zippy thing quite hard to do. So I just chewed it all up and escaped again!
That meant that mum had to keep me on my lead with her all afternoon, in between practising Over. I like it when she keeps me with her but she doesn’t like it if I try to pull her to any other dogs, or if I spin around on my harness. I wonder why?

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