Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Thursday 26/01/06
It was Australia Day today. Even though it wasn't Sunday we went to Flyball. It was exciting to go on the wrong day, I was happy and having a good time, even though it was very very hot.
We were practising Around that silly pole when something terrible happened. Mum took my lead off and sent me Around and then she started running backwards away from me and I had to run fast to catch up to her.
But before I could catch up she fell over and wouldn’t get up. She screamed out to Ian ‘I’ve broken my wrist’ and everyone ran towards her and John put some cold stuff on her arm and someone got hold of my harness and wouldn’t let me close to mum even though I wanted to because she was crying.
A big white Berlingo came with people who put my mum on a thing with wheels that went into the back of the big white Berlingo. It drove away with everyone inside, my mum and the people who put her there.
I sat on Elaine’s lap eating her nice sausages. I thought maybe my mum would come back soon. When she didn’t come back I was good for Elaine and Jenni and everyone else who was nice to me so that someone would take me home and not leave me at Flyball park all by myself. When I was really little (before my mum found me) the other people used to leave me by myself, or when they were with me they teased me and sometimes hurt me. I hate thinking about that time.
After a while my dad came and I was SO relieved to see him. He doesn’t usually come to Flyball. When we got home I was very, very happy that I didn’t have to go anywhere other than home.

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