Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Thursday 25/05/06
Today we went to another ‘demonstration’. It was in a small park in ‘Ultimo’ and only a few of my Flyball friends were there - Rosie and Kaos, Missy, Molly and Connor, and Pjevs.
There were lots of people that I didn’t know, people without dogs standing really close. Ian did some talking and then my mum tried to get me to walk in front of the people to do Around the pole. I laid down instead. Who knows what those people would have done? They were making heaps of noise and didn’t seem to know anything about Flyball. I was actually glad when mum put me into my house away from those people.
When I was in my house I watched Kaos going Around, and then going Over for Ian. He doesn’t seem to be scared of anything. I think he’s always lived with Ian and Rosie and Sandra, and has never lived with awful people like I have. Not my mum, she’s good to me and I love her - but the other people I lived with when I was little were horrible and you don’t want to know what scary things they did to me.
Anyway I watched Kaos and then all the others do some racing and I thought maybe it wasn’t so frightening after all. When mum got me out of the house I had some turns doing Over, and mostly I did them all. There were just a couple of times when I thought it was more fun to run at some of the people who were watching and bark at them. After my turns we all played until we were tired, and then went to have coffee sitting around a bench.
It was great fun, but I was so tired I was glad to get into my house for a rest on the way home.

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