Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Wednesday 3/05/06
Today mum took me for a river walk by myself and found Alex and Molly and Connor! They had flyball hurdles and poles! In a park on our river walk! I was so excited I barked and barked and jumped and span and tried to get Molly and Connor to play with me but all they wanted to do was Flyball.
They kept having turns, and then it was my turn. And would you believe they just wanted me to do that stupid Around. I looked everywhere else and there was a man with some dogs who looked like they were more fun than Around so I ran after them. But of course mum and Alex got me to come back instead and made me rest near the fence.
The next time they asked me to go Around I heard some good noises that needed chasing - whistling and people shouting. But of course mum and Alex got me to come back instead and made me rest near the fence.
So the next time they asked me to go Around I just sat there. That seems to work. Alex said we should play Soccer instead and she got a HUGE tennis ball that Molly and Connor punch with their noses. I watched them for a while and then tried it too - it’s great fun because the tennis ball was much too big to catch in your mouth.
After Soccer we all went for a river walk and when we got to the playground I showed everyone how I can do Slipperies - I go up the stairs, over the little bridge and then slide down. Alex asked Molly and Connor to do it but they said ‘No Way’.

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